(863) 640-2301


Massive and imposing, the Canary Island date palm is the center of attention wherever it is planted. Growing up to 60′ tall, the thick, hulking trunk is covered with interesting diamond designs that mark the point of attachment of the leaves.

Florida’s Premiere Tree Installer, The Tree Planters located in Lakeland, is your #1 source for large, rare, and exotic palms and trees. At The Tree Planters, we have installed and transplanted thousands of large trees of every variety all over Florida for over 50 years. Every tree we sell, we plant. Every tree we plant, we guarantee for One Full Year.

Delivery is included in the price of your tree. We proudly serve the entire state of Florida. (All other delivery fees will be quoted at time of purchase), and a One-Year Guarantee on every tree planted by The Tree Planters.

The massive trunk of the Canary Island Date Palm supports a huge crown of over 50 huge arching pinnate leaves that may reach 18′ long. These leaves are deep green shading to a yellow stem where the leaflets are replaced by vicious spines.

In areas of high rainfall, like Florida, these palms are often seen with ferns growing from among the old leaf stems. Decomposing leaf litter and other fibrous matter collect there creating an absorbent compost that sword ferns love, forming a hanging garden just below the palm’s canopy.

The orange dates are formed on drooping, highly branched inflorescences and are very decorative. They are edible but not very tasty.

Due to the Texas Phoenix Palm Decline(TPPD) The Tree Planters no longer offer a guarantee on  these palms.

“Note from Joel”
I have handled thousands of these throughout my lifetime. Most were extremely large. I believe we transplanted the tallest one ever in Florida 50 feet of trunk height. All of the large ones are purchased from homeowners and can be anywhere from 15 to 80 years old. The Canary only grows at a normal rate of 6″ a year, sometimes fast as 12″ a year. I’ve met several homeowners that were stabbed with the thorns and hospitalized. Short ones are a definite hazard to children and pets, although they will only get poked once. An interesting note is how they got to Florida from the Canary Islands. I’m not positive about this, but the rumor is they were brought here by pirates. I’m going with that story. The Canary does much better in arid climates and can easily be overwatered. We like to plant them high so the water will run off them easily. I’ve had several that died because of overwatering. These are the most expensive trees in Florida but there is no other tree like it. The Canary Island Date Palm stands alone as the King of Palms.

Phoenix canariensis
Common Names: Canary Island date palm
Family: Arecacea (palm Family)
Phoenix canariensis is native to the Canary Islands which are located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of northeast Africa. These stately palms are popular landscape items in near frost-free climates around the world. They are grown throughout Florida and all along the Gulf of Mexico coastline. They are planted in warm areas of the western U.S. including Arizona, California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Widely used on the French Riviera, this palm provides a distinctive look to the Mediterranean resorts.

This palm is very slow growing when young. Once the trunk reaches it’s full diameter the growth rate increases. Fertilize in spring and summer. It is tolerant of most well drained soils. Keep lawn grasses and mulch away from trunk. Use light, fast draining soil mix when growing in containers. Young plants are very susceptible to leaf spot and other fungus infections when grown in humid climates. I have success treating this condition with Daconil fungicide spray (follow instructions on container).Light: Likes a bright, sunny situation.Moisture: Adult specimens are drought resistant. Water young plants for healthy look and fastest growth.Hardiness: USDA Zones 9 – 11. Frost tolerant. Can survive 28 F without cold damage.Propagation: By seeds.

If you want to make a dramatic statement use this huge imposing palm wherever there is space to accommodate it. Small specimens are inexpensive and readily available and look great in pots on the patio, near the pool, or in pairs flanking entryways.

Don’t place young palms too close to walkways where their sharp leaf spines might injure passersby.