The ‘Little Gem’ cultivar of Southern Magnolia stands out with its earnest charm, marked by its compact and upright growth that resembles a multi-stemmed shrub rather than the typical single-trunked tree. With a height reaching about 30 to 35 feet and a spread of 8 to 12 feet, it grows at a gentle pace. It’s truly impressive how this variety begins to flower as early as two or three years old, often showcasing blooms even when just three or four feet tall. Its dense, dark green foliage forms an elegant oval or pyramidal shape, making it an ideal choice for screens or hedges in landscaping projects.
Light Requirement: full sun, partial sun or partial shade
Soil Tolerances: clay; sand; loam; slightly alkaline; acidic; well-drained; occasionally wet
Drought Tolerance: moderate
Aerosol Salt Tolerance: moderate
The Southern Magnolia is a versatile and attractive tree known for its distinctive features. Its 5- to 8-inch-long, leathery, oblong leaves are shiny and shed in spring as new foliage appears. While some people find the large, slowly decomposing leaves that fall on sidewalks or patios to be messy, others appreciate their unique texture. The underside of these leaves is covered with fine red-brown fuzz, which varies in prominence among different selections.
In late spring and occasionally throughout the summer, the Southern Magnolia produces large, 8-inch-diameter waxy white blossoms that fill gardens with a delightful fragrance. Following these blooms are fuzzy brown cones that mature in fall and winter to reveal bright red seeds favored by wildlife.
This tree has long been valued as an eye-catching garden specimen but also serves practical purposes such as acting as a dense screen, windbreak, or street tree where ample soil space allows for root expansion. Its ease of growth and low-maintenance nature make it suitable for various landscapes.
With appropriate pruning techniques, Southern Magnolias can be shaped into espaliers or formed into screens or hedges of nearly any shape. This particular variety is well-suited for residential properties due to its smaller size, smaller leaves, and early flowering characteristics.