It’s a Queen palm folks, not a Queen Anne Palm. Obviously I get aggravated a little bit too easy. There must be a dictionary that is only sold to northerners that calls it a Queen Anne palm. Okay, enough of my rant. Despite the truth that almost every northerner moving to Florida wants a palm as soon as they get here, and many of them choose a “Queen Anne palm”, this may not be their best choice. It is definitely a beautiful palm, but it tends to outgrow its space. It also drops hundreds of seeds unless you cut the seedpod before it opens. The seeds (fruit), can self propagate, it rots and stinks, and makes quite the mess. Other than all of that, I still have several in my yard. There really isn’t anything that compares to the Queen Palms gracefulness. Having several of these around the pool creates a sense of peace that is hard to live without. Do yourself a favor, make sure you follow a strict schedule for removing the seedpods and all will be just fine.
The Queen Palm, with its smooth gray trunk and long, glossy fronds resembling feathery plumes, is a popular choice for home landscapes in Florida. Use the Queen Palm in natural groupings or to frame views. It is an excellent palm for lining streets and boulevards and is fun and easy to grow in pots outdoors.
Though it is a solitary palm (growing a single trunk), it can be effective planted in groups or as a standalone specimen. It serves well as a yard backdrop, an anchor for a garden bed, or for accenting or lining a property line or fence. Common names include Queen Palm, Cocos plumosa, and Arecastrum romanzoffianum.
This palm has an identity crisis! A few decades ago, it was known as Cocos plumosa. During the late sixties and seventies, most experts referred to it as Arecastrum romanzoffianum. Now, it belongs to the genus Syagrus, with the species name romanzoffiana—hopefully, Syagrus romanzoffiana will stick!
Despite its nomenclature issues, the Queen Palm strikes a regal pose in the landscape. Growing to a maximum height of about 50 feet, it features a smooth, straight gray trunk ringed with evenly spaced leaf scars and topped with a large canopy of feathery plumes. These dark, glossy green fronds have double rows of leaflets that droop to the ground, casting shady patterns on the lawn. Informal groupings of three or more palms provide soft, filtered sunlight, perfect for shade gardens.
During summer, the Queen Palm displays impressive inflorescences (flower structures). In early winter, it takes on a sporty look with abundant fruit. Bright orange, 1-inch oval “dates” hang in impressive 6-foot bunches, creating a colorful show. However, when they fall, they create sticky piles of rotting fruit that attract insects. On the upside, volunteer seedling palms often grow from the mess if left undisturbed.
The Queen Palm is tolerant but prefers enriched sandy soils. Fertilize twice a year in spring and summer with a fertilizer containing micronutrients, especially manganese. A deficiency in this micronutrient causes “frizzle top,” where leaves appear frayed and torn. This can be corrected by spreading 1 to 3 pounds of manganese sulfate beneath the palm, depending on the tree’s size.
Full sun is ideal, but it can tolerate some shade. It withstands drought but should be watered for optimal appearance and growth. Suitable for USDA Zones 9-11, cold damage occurs at 25°F, and the plant freezes and dies around 20°F. Propagation is by seed, which germinates in 3 to 4 months. An easy way to obtain plants is by digging and potting the volunteer seedlings that often appear under adult palms.