The “Black olive tree,” native to the upper Florida Keys, is often mistaken for the edible olive but actually produces a small black seed capsule. This evergreen tree reaches heights of 40 to 50 feet and features a smooth trunk with robust, wind-resistant branches. In its youth, it has a pyramidal shape, which evolves into a dense, full oval or rounded crown as it matures.
Occasionally, the crown’s top flattens as the tree expands horizontally. The foliage consists of lush, dark green leaves that are two to four inches long and cluster at branch tips. These may be accompanied by spines ranging from 1/4 to 1 1/2 inches in length along the branches.
Light requirement: Full sun to partial shade
Soil tolerances: Sand; loam; clay; acidic; alkaline; moist but well-drained Drought Tolerance: High
Aerosol salt tolerance: High