Jacaranda Tree

Central Florida’s Premiere Tree Installer, The Tree Planters located in Lakeland, is your #1 source for large, rare, and exotic palms and trees. At The Tree Planters, we have installed and transplanted thousands of large trees of every variety all over Florida for over 50 years. Every tree we sell, we plant. Every tree we plant, we guarantee for One Full Year.
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We offer Free Delivery Within a 50-mile radius of Lakeland, Florida (All other delivery fees will be quoted at time of purchase), and a One-Year Guarantee on every tree planted by The Tree Planters.
The Jacaranda Tree is a soft, delicate, fernlike, deciduous foliage and dense terminal clusters of lavender-blue, lightly fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers make this large, spreading tree an outstanding specimen planting. The striking blooms can appear any time from April through August (most often May), and are sometimes present before the fresh, new, light green leaves appear in spring. Flowering is reportedly best following a winter with several nights in the upper 30’s. Jacaranda may flower best when grown in poor soil. Jacarandas can reach 25 to 40 feet in height with an equal or greater spread, and the bent or arching trunks are covered with light brown bark.
Jacarandas take a while to flower – if you plant from grafted cuttings (what nurseries sell) your tree will begin flowering when it’s between 5 to 7 years old. Plants grown from seed (such as you’d get from a well-meaning friend) take much longer.
Once the jacaranda flowers are done for the season, the leaves fill in with fine-leafed foliage to create a dappled shade environment beneath the canopy. Growing with a somewhat funky shape when young, the branches form a nice rounded crown when the tree reaches about 20 feet tall.
A jacaranda is a fast grower to 40 feet tall. It prefers a full to partial sun location with plenty of elbow room.